We guarantee to save businesses 25% to 50% off their workers compensation premiums, with no out-of-pocket cost to the company.
If you have been invited to this evaluation page, you probably know we have been working with Ihub Global for a couple of years.
We have the top producing IHub Global Team. At the recent IHub Global event in Orlando they recognized the top 3 team leaders in the company. They were myself and Dave Johnston and Gordy and Kelly Alderson. The Alderson’s and Dave are also part of our team.
As many of you know IHub Global has partnered with Oaceus to form IHub Vantage. We expect to develop several millionaires on our team with this program.
The income potential is astronomical. You can earn a minimum of $20.00 per month per participating employee within a company. The minimum number of employees companies can have is 50.
So based upon the commission rate, a company with a thousand employees a month will pay you $20,000.00 monthly for the first year.
This program is serious, a millionaire maker, and we are looking for experienced sales professionals. Evaluate all the videos below and then contact the person that shared this page with you.
The Compensation Plan
Replay of Webinar were IHub announced the partnership with Oaceus
How we Save Businesses a Guaranteed 25% – 50% Off of their Workers Compensation
If you feel you would be a good fit for the IHub Global Vantage Affiliate program, please contact the person that shared this webiste with you.
Dale Calvert
Georgia Office 770-499-2061
Kentucky Office 502-868-6199