At the time of this writing, it is February 11th 2023. I am convinced that the general population and even small business owners and entrepreneurs have no concept of how the world is going to look in just two years, much less five years from now.
About a year and a half ago on my podcast I made the statement that the most important entrepreneurial trait moving forward from this point in history would be the ability to FOCUS. More importantly the ability to focus on that which will move our lives forward in the 7 Key areas of life. What I call the Wheel of Life.
Arguably we live in a world today where nobody seem to be able to focus on anything. I have always had a curious mind, as a child I had ADD. As an adult I have always had what I describe as entrepreneurial ADD, so it has taken a lot of books, audiot and personal development work to teach myself how to Focus on the right things. I have become pretty skilled at identifying what I call the fu fu dust, and looking behind the curtain and being able to quickly analyze the root of situations. I call it getting down t where the rubber meets the road. The truth is technology has moved very fast since the introductory of the IPhone and social media, but we haven’t seen anything yet. Psychologically our brains are not prepared to handle the advancements in technology we have experienced to this point. Look around you, the evidence is everywhere.
Over the next couple of years A.!. will take things to a completely different level, I am convinced that most people cannot begin to wrap their minds around what the world is going to look like just two years from now.
A.I. is here and a new world is forming. So we need to be as balanced and self aware in the 7 key areas of life as we possibly can be so we can navigate through the disruption ahead.
We live in a world today where we are more connected but more isolated than ever, and it is only going to be worse. It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom, it can be fun and exciting if you have a solid foundation in place.
I changed the name of my podcast several moths ago to the The New Era of Wealth Building Podcast, because I saw the shift in the network marketing team building space. The end of an era is here, but many are stuck in a “Block Buster Video” mindset. Block Buster is gone my friend, and so I traditional mlm opportunities as I spoke about here.

A couple of months ago, I mentioned ChatGPT on one of my podcast and nobody new what I was talking about. I also shared an article on one of my websites, and the comments I received were fascinating. The phrase NO VISION, comes to mind or maybe WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? If you don’t know what it is and have never experimented with it, you can read the original article and test the CHAT GPT app here.

Now, two months later probably 90% of the population has heard something about Chat GPT. If you haven’t don’t read another word until you understand what I am talking about.
I recently had the Chat GPT A.1. do the research and write an article for me on what the 10 Best Crypto Currencies to invest in in 2023, you can read it here.

This is the beginning of a disruption that will be bigger than the Industrial Revolution.
When I find videos and articles that I will want to reference, I will be posting them here on this page. This is going to be my personal A.I. think tank if you will. You are invited to follow along if you wish, or don’t.
Stable Diffusion Public Release – Stability AI › blog › stable-diffusion-public-release
Aug 22, 2022 — We are delighted to announce the public release of Stable Diffusion and the launch of DreamStudio Lite.

I will be listening in on this ………. I am in AI self-education mode. CEO interview Monday 12pm EST 2-13-2023 |
An AI private investing opportunity? |
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