For the first time in many years, the Work from home buzz has started all over again. Over the last 30 days, there have been over 450,000 searches on google for Work at Home jobs. I expect that trend to continue from now well into the future.
If you found this article through a google search, or someone shared it with you, I promise you, you are going to get much more than you bargained for. So take a breath to open your mind. I am going to share with you the Top 10 companies that hire people to work from home according to Forbes magazine and much much more. I promise, if you read every word, this will be time well spent.
The first thing you should ask yourself is who is writing this article and why should I care what their opinion is? My name is Dale Calvert, I have made money from home my entire life. I started selling fishing worms that I kept in my parent’s basement when I was about five. Throughout my childhood, I had some kind of what is commonly called today a “Side Gig” going on.
I sold Pears, blackberries, flower seeds, Christmas cards, collected pop bottles for the deposit, and the list goes on and on. At 14 I operated a very successful mail-order business from my parent’s home where I bought, sold, and refurbished props for magicians, called Calvert’s 2nd Hand Magic.
I worked as a semi-professional magician from the time I was 7 until my early twenties. Today I have a passion project website that features some of the top magicians of our time, I am an entrepreneur, coach, speaker, and best selling author of multiple books including.
How to Get Rich Without a College Education
How to Make $5,000 a Month with an eBay Business
Change Your Financial Mindset & Create Wealth.
I tell you this, just so you understand that working from home, creating cashflow from home, and operating home-based businesses is something I have done my entire life, and I guess you could say in many ways sharing those ideas has been my life’s work.
So before we go any further, let me ask you a
question. If all things are equal, would you rather
work a job for a company from your home, where you
make a full time income, whatever that is for you, let’s
say $60,000. Or would you rather operate your own
business from you home and make $60,000?
Job from home or business from home?
Same $60,000 ?
If you are thinking job, then don’t waste another minute of
your time reading this article. Here is the direct link to the
Forbes article that was written on Jan 21st a couple of
months before the Corona Virus outbreak.
This article will share with you the Top companies that are hiring remote workers & thanks for stopping by this page.
Click Here:
If you are still reading, then please stay with me, I promise it is worth the time and if not you can flame me at the end of this article. 😊 If you are thinking, Dale if I was given a choice I would rather, own my own business and be my own boss than give my future to a boss and employer for the same money, wouldn’t everyone?
The answer is NO. Most people have been so conditioned, to go to school, get a good education, and go to work for a good company so they can climb the corporate ladder & that anything outside of that plan is perceived to be impossible, a scam, a dream, or anything other than a “possibility”.
I did an impromptu training on this subject years ago to fill in a 20-minute time gap at an event. This is the first and only time I have ever done this training. It was later placed on video and audio and I still have people today talking to me about “The Great American Box.” Please read this entire article, and you can come back and watch this training if you want. But it drives home the fact that most people cannot look at the facts and think clearly, they are stuck and programmed in a JOB Mindset.
Many who at one time in their life decided to get out from underneath the stress of depending on a job and start an entrepreneurial adventure, woke up one day finding they were pulled back in the box. They may be still going through the easy parts of a business they started, but the passion, commitment & dedication was gone.
Others decided the box was a safer choice because developing the work ethic, mindsets, and self-education required to become a SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur requires much more than they anticipated when they started.
Most people fail with their first business attempt, but if you are able to muster up the MOTIVATION TO PERSIST, you will succeed. Assuming you have the courage when you realize you don’t have timing on your side. I believe in business, the trend is your trend. Getting in front of the coming wave is always a good idea.
My friend, you are at a unique time and place on your life’s journey right now, you are at a major fork in the road and may not realize it. The choices you make during this time with Coronavirus challenges can drastically affect the rest of your life and the emotions that surround you when something like the coronavirus happens in the future. (Make no mistake there will be more challenges in the future)
As the coronavirus was declared a pandemic, corporations across the globe have shut down their offices and transitioned their employees to remote work. Time Magazine has called this “the worlds largest work from home experiment.” Employees are strapping into their newly designed and thrown together home offices. One thing we may discover is how successful if at all, remote work can be on a wide scale.
I have experience on both ends of the equations. A few years ago I owned & operated a business that was housed under 30,000 square feet of office and warehouse space. We employed 78 full-time workers and had over 60,000 independent contractors marketing our products.
Today Calvert Marketing Group consist of myself and my wife and 11 team members from around the world, all who work remotely from their homes or wherever they choose.
My wife Dawn was a successful remote employee for IBM when I first met her. She was on the phone at 5:00 A.M. every morning with overseas vendors and worked all day from home with her phone, computer, and fax machine.
Just a couple of decades ago, the vast majority of work-at-home job opportunities were anything but portable. When I first started sharing ideas with people about developing home-based businesses back in the 80’s they looked at me like I was crazy.
There was a time when work at home job or work at home business simply didn’t make sense for most people who were programmed with a go to school, get a good education, and go to work for a good company mindset.
That path was designed to keep
the industrial revolution going,
not designed to provide
individuals success and
Today we are in an environment where far more people operate a business from home than most people can really imagine. Becoming a digital nomad, and living a laptop lifestyle is the buzz and has become the career path for many millennials.
However, today more than ever the internet has given us countless numbers of credible opportunities that allow us to work from home and create full-time incomes. To think that is not real is simply not the case. It is just naive. So my question for you, is why not you?
I understand for the untrained eye it has become far more difficult to wade through the scams versus legit opportunities. When you don’t have a trained eye or experience, it is much easier to just conclude that everything is a scam.
Over the years I have consulted and worked with many career frustrated individuals who were looking for a legitimate home-based business who had got caught up in some kind of “appealing at the time” home business or job opportunity that wasn’t legit.
From mystery shopping, medical billing “jobs” that require you to purchase expensive software, Check-Cashing schemes from Nigeria, craft-making jobs, Penny Auction promoters, and countless number of unworkable ideas that require you to invest hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in start-up materials.
Not to mention the thousands of pyramid schemes (not to be confused with legitimate network marketing opportunities) designed to siphon as much money from as many people as possible.
The early days of the internet were like the Wild Wild West. I don’t even need to rehash on the DotCom bubble stories many of the investors reading this article are very familiar with.
However, Web 2.0 has created more opportunities than imaginable.
No, they all haven’t lasted and business, in general, is an evolution just like life, there are cycles. Just ask those that at one time managed BlockBuster or ToyRUs stores.
However, if and these are B I G IFs.
If you are willing to:
Invest a little bit of start up capital.
Find the Right Mentor
Turn off NetFlix and devote a tremendous amount of time to get your business launched and through the grind stage.
There are at least a ½ dozen legitimate business models where you can develop a full time income and I will say it, financial independence if you decide to.
Look, I don’t have any course or product to sell you at the end of this article.
I just want to tell you. I have been around the home based business niche my entire life, and I am telling you, if you have the ability to read this article and you’re willing to invest a little bit of money, time, and find the RIGHT mentor, you can replace your corporate salary and have the opportunity to create financial independence within a relatively short period of time.
There was a study that came out in 2017 from Upwork and the Freelancer Union that predicted that over ½ of the workforce will be freelancers within a decade anyway. The study went on to say that 50% of millennial’s today are already freelancing.
The laptop lifestyle, digital nomad lifestyle we were talking about earlier. So again I ask you, why not you? I don’t care is you are 16 or 76 years old, and I mean that.
Why Not You?
Here is one thing I know, the ability to find the right mentor and the willingness to educate yourself are rare traits in human beings. In fact, if you process these traits, and still would rather work for someone else and let them call the shots, you are not only cheating yourself, you are cheating your family and honestly the world, for not setting an example for others of what can be done.
If I have your attention, I want to encourage you to stay on this train of thought, and mindset at least through the remainder of this article. I know for many who are reading this, it is uncomfortable because it so far outside the box you were raised in.
Listen, I am pro-business, and my personal belief is everyone should be working for themselves. However, some people are better off being free-lancers than they are being a business owner, so we will talk about both.
(Free) Top 7 Side Gig Book
This has been my battle cry my entire adult life. In fact,in January before all the Corona challenge hit, I released this booklet.
You can download it free here: Top 7 Side Gig Opportunities
Over the past 10 years, my wife Dawn and I have developed multiple businesses that individually each business has the opportunity to earn $100,000 plus a year profit. Some of them like selling books through Amazon Kindle are not as viable as they once were, and we no longer recommend for new entrepreneurs.
Yes, you can create a nice side-gig income with the right mentor and self-education, but most people are not going to start today and create a full-time six-figure income with the Kindle publishing business model.
The main reason is that Amazon came in and changed the commission structure for all the authors and publishers when they introduced their unlimited downloads program. Amazon totally messed over the authors and publishers that had built the Kindle platform to what it is today.
In this new Web2.0 World the one thing you must understand before you start playing is, if you are playing in someone else’s sandbox, you have to follow their rules, WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT any time.
I have already written a detailed article on the subject here, Are Amazon Affiliate Niche Websites Dead? So I am not going to repeat the info here.
However, there is always opportunity available for you, once you develop the eyes to see them. I get that most people wouldn’t recognize real opportunity if it slapped them over the head. That is why you see people sink their life savings into a business in a strip mall location that all logical thinking, business-minded people know will be gone in a year or less.
90% of small businesses that start are out of business within 5 years. Of the 10% that remain open less than ½ are profitable.
That is why starting a business as a side gig on a part-time basis from home makes more sense than ever. You have a low risk, with huge upside potential.
In a minute I want to share with those of you that are entrepreneurs, or are thinking about developing an entrepreneur mindset, 3 of the easiest to start business niches that my wife and I are earning six-figure incomes with currently, and also what I believe to be the best business vehicle in the world.
Understand I choose the 3 niches I am going to share with you because anyone with the right mentor can …..over time, through self-education, learn the specialized knowledge required to build out those businesses successfully to a full-time income.
But first, for those of you that have more of a Freelance mindset and skillset instead of a Business Owner mindset, let me share with you the Top Freelance Opportunities available to you right now. Many of the skillsets required to operate these freelance opportunities can be learned over a weekend with the right teacher and focused self-education time.
#1 Virtual Assistant
Virtual companies are a real thing today. I have consulted and worked with several multi-million dollar brands over the past five years that have no office building and the entire team is virtual.
Many of these entrepreneurs are looking for virtual assistants that keep them organized and on task. I have always had at least one personal assistant, and right now it is my wife who lays out my consulting call calendar for me daily, and keeps me pointed in the right direction with the various projects we are developing at Calvert Marketing Group. She does the work of three virtual assistants and has unbeatable organizational skills.
According to the INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS ASSOCIATION, Virtual Assistants are independent contractors who from remote locations, support multiple clients in a variety of administrative, creative and technical activities and services.
Job titles vary greatly, and virtual assistants perform all kinds of task to phone work, answering and responding to emails, responding to media inquiries, and request for training or speaking engagements, dictating content and much more.
Two VA job websites that you can check out are Upwork and Our company hires VA’s to help us with specific projects monthly from these websites.
Research tells us that virtual assistants average about $26,000 – $43,000 a year. Income is based upon the level of skill required to complete the daily task.
#2 Freelance Writer
I have worked with multiple writers over the years. When we first started D&D Publishing ten years ago we had 11 writers that worked with us on various Kindle book projects.
Good writers are hard to find. Many people think they are good, and in all reality, they are average or below average. I am writing every word of this article; I have never used a ghostwriter. Every word of every article and book I have ever written has been 100% me. If it has my name on it, I wrote it.
I would classify myself as a below-average writer. I accept that. It is one of the hardest tasks I do. However, we outsource most of the writing for the various niche web properties we own. Currently, we work with 5 writers, we found each of them on
Skilled writers are in high demand, but there is even work out there for average writers. We currently pay a penny a word for paid writer and have several people that write for various niche websites we own, just to get their name in the market and backlinks to their own blog websites.
#3 In-Home – Call Center Rep
While virtual assistants and freelance writers have become very common and mainstream, I suspect that after the Coronavirus stabilizes some companies in the future will have customer service handled by those working out of their own homes.
Many businesses need workers who can answer the phone at all hours, assist customers, and process orders or deal with returns. But since more businesses are operating online, a growing number of these jobs are going to customer service workers who work at home. This trend will continue.
Being an at-home call-center rep requires a computer and may require specific software or equipment. A great phone voice will also help (that counts me out), as does any experience in customer service, data entry, retail sales, or management. Dozens of sites list job openings for call-center representatives, including,, and
However, you may also find listings offered by local businesses in your local newspaper.
While it’s hard to find exact pay for call-center representatives who work at home, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports these workers typically earn a base pay of around $33,750 per year.
So those are the 3 Top Freelancer work at home jobs I recommend at this moment. Before I share with you the 3 Businesses you can start at home to generate a $100,000 a year income, let me ask you a question.
If you are a mom or dad who has been working in the corporate world, are you really excited about returning to this?
Or this?
Before I share with you the Top Work at Home Opportunities and the One I think is the greatest opportunity in history there is something you need to know.
What do you think the number one benefit of having a business at home is?
I usually get answers like:
-control my own schedule
-more time with family and children
-sense of accomplishment
-work harder and make more money
Etc. Etc. Etc.
However, what you will discover if you start down this path is the TAX SAVINGS. We have all heard, “it is not how much you make, but how much you keep”.
Please understand I am not a CPA so get your tax advice from a licensed professional – however, a home business is the very best tax shelter in the world.
The moment you start your business you can take some or all of your normal everyday living expenses and convert them to tax deductions. Here are just a few.
Tax Benefits of Operating a Business from Home.
Pay Your Kids
When my daughters were young to the time they left home for college they worked for me. $5.00 – $50.00 per week depending on their age. They had specific activities every week. They were paid their allowance money as independent contractors. It was a tax write off for me, and they made less than the annual threshold so they didn’t pay taxes. They could have used that money for their school clothes or whatever was needed. They didn’t, but they could have and would have if it had been needed.
All of your advertising expenses can be tax-deductible, such as printing flyers, business cards, Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, etc. You can even deduct expenses paid for PR and marketing agencies.
Travel Expenses
Do you travel to attend your business meetings or conferences? If so, then the expenses associated with transportation and lodging are also deductible. When it comes to corporate trips, your airfare, 50% of meal costs, and hotel charges can be noted down as business expenses. Even if you increase the duration of your trip after the completion of your business commitment you can include your travel costs in your business expenditure. But, make sure the number of personal days on the trip doesn’t surpass the total amount of business days.
Remember, travel expenses for your family (spouse or children) are not deductible unless they are accompanying you for a legal business purpose.
Home Office Expenses
If you have a home office, you can also list these expenses for tax deductions. Heres how:
- Fill out the Form 8829 to list down the expenses associated with using and optimizing your home office.
- Remember to include both direct expenses, such as renovations and office equipment and indirect expenses, like insurance and utilities.
As an independent contractor, you’re not eligible to be on your employer’s health insurance plan. But, luckily your health insurance expenses like medications and premiums, are tax-deductible. Your business insurance expenses can be deducted too, so don’t let the cost hold you back from having the right contractor’s insurance!
The insurance you need depends on what type of contractor you are. Finding the right coverage for your business can be daunting, turn to a reputable insurance provider for advice.
Phone/Cable/Internet Charges
Essential business utilities, like your cell phone bill, can also be deducted from you 1099. Even if you use your home phone or mobile for both personal and professional use, you can note down the portion of your cell phone bill for business. Also, internet bill and cable bill (for research) can possibly be deducted.
A portion of your utilities can be deducted electric, gas, utilities, and even trash pick-up or rent.
Licenses and Taxes
You can deduct any business certifications, licenses, and regulatory charges you pay for your business, such as incorporation charges and small business licenses for your state. In certain cases, some types of taxes are deductible as well, including:
- Local and state sales taxes–only for good or services sold
- Payroll taxes– this only applies if you have employees
- Federal highway use tax
- Property taxes on company assets
If you charge your company expenses on a credit card, the portion of the interest payments can be listed as company expenditures, and are therefore tax-deductible. Keep in mind that there is a specific limit to the deductibility of this interest.
Other Additional Expenses
There are several other basic yet essential costs that are often overlooked and undervalued by most independent contractors. Some of these common deductions include:
- Debt
- Expenses for defending or acquiring trade names and trademarks
- Start-up costs of the business including product samples
The Bottom Line
These are just some tax deductions for independent contractors. You should be aware of these in order to decrease your taxable income. Of course, you should always contact your accountant or tax advisor before you claim any of these tax deductions.
When you figure the wear and tear on your car, the clothes, meals, and childcare expenses most families have when they have jobs outside the home, a home-based business makes more sense, simply because of the tax benefits if nothing else. If you don’t have a side-gig business you are throwing away thousands of dollars a year by paying more taxes than you could be. DO YOU REALLY UNDERSTAND THE PARAGRAPH YOU JUST READ? This is not marketing hype, nothing here to sell you, its just facts that you shouldn’t ignore.
2020 TO EARN $100,000 PLUS
These are the Top 3 Home Businesses that a person can start today and create a six-figure income. They are in no particular order, but all three require these 3 steps:
Follow these 3 Steps:
(They are mandatory to increase your odds for Success)
1) Find the Right Mentor
2) Spend a minimum of 10-15 hours a week in Focused Self Education
3) Invest a small amount of investment capital and go to work, take action as instructed by your mentor.
You will find countless number of articles here at regarding the flip economy. How to buy items and flip them on eBay, Amazon, Etsy, Poshmark, Mercari, Stockx, through Facebook Market Place and more.
Granted, this business is not an easy one to scale much past $200K if you are a one or two-person show, but most people would find the number of individuals and husband and wife teams making six figures plus a year in the flip economy hard to believe. I remember a 20-20 TV show years ago when eBay was really rolling where they stated that over 100,000 people earn over $100,000 dollars a year with Ebay.
If you have been around the Entrepreneurial game very long you probably could rattle off several people you have met who have become millionaires with the AMAZON FBA program.
Honestly, until April 15, 2020, when Amazon announced they were drastically cutting commissions on affiliate websites I would have probably said that this business model had the most exciting upside potential of any of the three I am covering.
You can still create a six-figure income building affiliate websites, but to build it to that income level it will take twice as long as it normally would. This is a solid 3-5 year game plan, but $100,000 a year is not an income level you can build to in 18 months.
The exciting part about these niche websites is they can be built then sold for around 35X monthly profits. So a website earning just $1000 a month could be sold for about $35,000. If your niche website also sells products through Amazon, eBay or other online market places you drastically increase the value.
Then the obvious question becomes how many of these type of websites can you build out in a year or two?
SHOPIFY E-COMMERCE STORE is one of our e-commerce stores. We keep all inventory in house and our shipping department ships from our warehouse.
Shopify and online e-commerce websites, in general, have gotten a bad rap lately and well deserved. is full of people who are trying to teach people how to do that which they have never done.
At this point, YouTube is full of fake Shopify gurus who are making all their money not actually doing what they are teaching, but by selling Shopify courses offering get rich quick secrets. I am not going to start naming names but definitely stay away from a guy named Kevin David. The most credible Shopify guru I have found on YouTube is a guy named Biaheza .
The bottom line is Shopify is a fabulous platform to build an online e-commerce store with. If you like the idea of having an online store I cannot recommend the platform highly enough.
Shopify is a stand alone platform, you do not need to drop ship products with Shopify. I suggest you find products and services you love – kitchen appliances, gardening tools, sports equipment, or anything you love. Build out your store with 20 or so products, and buy one of each have them on hand, and ship yourself.
Building out successful Shopify stores requires an in-depth understanding of Facebook advertising, Influencer marketing, etc. which both require an investment and have a learning curve.
The best way to start a Shopify store is with products you love, can stock yourself and not have to drop ship from China.
It goes without saying that many of my marketing friend’s stores took a real hit when the Cornavirus hit. I have always taught to always have at least one of every product you sell in stock and ready to ship yourself.
If you have read to this point, my fear is that I will lose all credibility with what I am getting ready to share with you. Please hear me, I understand, and I don’t blame you. I 100% understand why you feel that way. Honestly, I don’t blame you. Truth be known, I have a real love/hate relationship with this business model.
So I think it may be better to open your mind and hear it from Robert Kiyosaki instead of me, and when Mr. Kiyosaki is finished I will share some comments.
I sincerely believe that network marketing is the most misunderstood business model in the world. Not by those outside this niche, but by those INSIDE IT.
The bad publicity the profession has received over the last few years has been for the most part well deserved. But there is a tremendous amount of misinformation in and outside the profession.
There is the number one opportunity, and only one right now in the market place that I can recommend in good conscious, and quite frankly I sincerely believe that this is one of the best, if not the best program I have seen in over 35 years in this profession. You can click here to learn more if you would like.
Network Marketing is a 3-5 year game plan if you have great mentorship, are part of a great company, and you are teachable and have an above-average work ethic.
Not to mention you must be involved with the right company at the right TIME in history. If all those things don’t line up it is still a great business model for beginning entrepreneurs to start their entrepreneurial journey.
The names of big-time entrepreneurs who got their start in network marketing go on and on. The power of network marketing is that if you build it right, and you find the right company you really can develop a Legacy income that can be passed down to your children and your grandchildren.
There is no business model in the world that provides you with the opportunity to create time and the money to enjoy it that even comes close to network marketing. I have a real love/hate relationship with the profession.
It absolutely changed my life, and I will be forever thankful. I love the business model, I despise what it has become. I share the history of the network marketing profession here.
At the time of this writing, I accept two speaking engagements a month for companies and sales and marketing organizations. This month they were both changed to online events. Anyway, about 1/2 of them are for direct sales or network marketing organizations. I am an example of someone who has lived the network marketing dream. For the right person, there is simply no better business model on the planet.
However all the * stars * must line up
* Right Company at RIGHT TIME in history
* Right Mentorship Team
* You must be Teachable
* You must have and Above Average Work Ethic
* You must understand this a 3-5 year game plan of dedicated focused work.
I hope you have received value, inspiration, or whatever you needed from this article today. I have shared with you:
– How you can access the 10 Top Companies that are hiring remote workers
– The Top 3 Side Gigs You can start in today’s market
-The Top 3 Businesses to Start from home and Why they make sense especially with the Tax Benefits
– What I believe to be the #1 Business Model in the world when the stars line up.
I would sincerely appreciate your comments, feedback, and questions. Let me know your thoughts.
Until next time – I am dedicated to your entrepreneurial success!