We hope 2020, and the next decade is wonderful for our customers and clients. One thing we know for sure is business and the world is changing very quickly. Daily we talk with clients about what worked a few years ago is not working today, at the same levels they once did.
So what are the real answer to move your business forward? How do you distinguish them between the newest shiny object?
That depends on many factors, the first being what do you really want?
The second question is will your current business vehicle get you where you want to go?
Now, more than ever we have to ask ourselves intelligent questions. We have to stay in front of trends to the best of our ability. Your clients and customers are exposed to 5,000+ marketing messages DAILY. Why would or should they respond to yours?
I have been trying to communicate for the last 18 months that the most important entrepreneurial trait moving
forward is history is FOCUS. The second is Authenticity “To Thy Self Be True”.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this short 8 question survey. It will help us help
Calvert Marketing group provide you more value in 2020 and beyond.
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