Is this article talking about you? If it is, the first step to get out of this situation is to admit it. The second step is to understand, Yes there are opportunities available and mentors that can help you get off the debt treadmill and live a life of financial peace and joy. Living paycheck to paycheck is no way to live!

The secret is finding the right opportunity, and the right mentor. Believe it or not, after 40+ years in the entreprenurial world, I have identified a simple 5 step process that will take you from financial stress to financial peace and I share it in this podcast session if you would like to learn it.

Original Article from Entreprenuer

A new survey is shedding light on just how much Americans are spending these days. Spoiler alert: It’s a lot.

As inflation continues to soar and the holiday season rolls in, it’s no secret that Americans are spending at a much higher rate.

In fact, a new survey is shedding light on just how much we’re spending.

According to research from Lending Club, which surveyed 3,495 American consumers, a whopping 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck as of October 2022, up nearly 4% from the year prior.

Inflation has even affected top earners in the country, with 28% of consumers surveyed who earn over $200,000 also saying that they are living paycheck to paycheck. What’s more, 49% of all respondents said that they have had to shift their shopping preferences.

End of Article

For me the fact that 28% of those earning over $200,000 a year say they are living paycheck to paycheck is absolutley shocking. They sincerely need to spend some time educating themselves on how to not live
above their means. The need to read The Richest Man in Babylon or something!

Sincerely, I have a way for you to get out of this situation. There is no sign up fee, no monthly fees or autoship, and if you go to work and follow my simple training system, you will make profits month one.

Myself and others on ou team will earn millions of dollar over the next few years, it has that type of upside potential. If you want to learn more, my name is Dale Calvert, you can contact me at I can help you get off the paycheck to paycheck treadmill, right now.

If you are not ready to buckel down and go to work, please don’t contact me. I won’t waste your time, and please don’t waste mine. Send me an emal and let me know about yourself, where you live, your backgound, etc. and I will get information to you, with no obligation on either of our parts.