As our emotional intelligence, and self-awareness grows we will tend to ask ourselves deeper and more intelligent questions.
In network marketing the real product is people. A well trained team member who will become a future leader and eventually a leader on your team. We are in the leadership development business.
Do people steal your energy or give you energy?
All of us either get energy from others or we don’t. Do people drain your energy or give you energy? Or do you just prefer to not think & take the easy path and just follow the energy of the herd?
Network Marketing is a people business; your long-term income is in direct proportion to the value you provide to the market that you serve.
You can have anything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want.

This is wisdom of the age’s truth!
However there are dozens of business models that don’t require you to deal with people, so if people drain your energy, why would you choose network marketing and put yourself through such a daily energy drain?
The truth is some people are blessed or cursed with the need to make a positive impact on the lives of other people, it is in their DNA. They can’t help it. There are those in the world that sincerely want to make positive impact. However as Jim Rohn also told us “never mistake sincerity with truth, because some people are sincerely wrong”.
All of us are who we are based upon what was programmed into our mind from birth to about 12 years old by our parents and other authority figures in our life. The culture or environment in which we were raised in.

Then the rest of our life we reinforce this program with our own self talk. Sometimes we need to stop and ask ourselves is the programming we were given as a child the programming we want to live the rest of our life with? If it is not we are the only one that can change it.
That is a difficult process, however I believe TRUTH never leaves us, it never goes away, no matter what we do … in our gut we know truth. In my opinion, rejecting truth creates many emotional and mental problems.
People try to remove truth and replace it with all kind of drugs and anti-social behavior.
Another seminar, course, network marketing opportunity or business model will not change programming only we can do that, and yes it can be done with 15 focused minutes a day as I explain in detail in my programming your mind for success program. The sad truth is most people will not take the time to implement this science base reprogramming process.
It may sound deep, but it is really quite simple.
Every time I think I have things figured out, I am reminded that life is a daring adventure or nothing all as Helen Keller told us.

If you listened to my podcast you know that I pay absolutely no attention to how long any session runs. It may be 15 minutes, it may be an hour and 15 minutes and if the podcast content is not providing you value, you should turn it off.
There is no doubt that we are living in a time of more uncertainty than any of us have ever seen. More people are living in a state of fear, frustration, aggravation, distrust, and uncertainty more than at anytime in our history, and for good reason. There are solid people that are starting to doubt themselves, and that is not good. To you I will say get regrounded in your faith, family, true friends and wisdom of the ages principles. Whatever reground may mean for you.
While I am thinking it about you there is a chance that some of you may have never sequentially, consciously, intentionally worked on programming your mind for success. If I am speaking to you, then please for you, not me, check out this website.
Honestly the only reason the network marketing profession is not exploding in my opinion is lack of leadership within the profession.
We are experiencing the unintended consequences for the decisions that have been made over the past 15 years from the good ole boys and girls network and corporate officers.
.Network Marketing is the best passive income generating business model on the planet, but the world and ALL BUSINESS is getting ready to change over the next few years in ways that is very hard for most of us to even imagine.
METAVERSE if you have never heard that term before, remember you heard it hear first, and I will briefly talk more about that at the end of this article. Millionaires will be made quicker than ever because of the Metaverse.
I think if you are going to be in the people business the most important concepts that I have been talking about for years, and it is something that I think those in the personal development world have not picked up on as much as I wish they would is just a concept or idea I coined ……..
“As human beings we see things not as they are, BUT AS WE ARE”
It is easy for personal development teachers, network marketing teachers, or those teaching any business model to tell people what they need to be doing.
It is another thing all together to lead by example and do it yourself. So no wonder the masses are confused. But who should career minded network marketers be listening to?
Any of us can attend a dozen webinars this week or live zoom meetings in any business niche we choose and listen to a dozen different gurus in that niche tell us a dozen different things we should be doing. Most of the methods will probably work at some level, or have at some point in history, but does that mean you should be doing them now? It may, but what did you do with the info you received on the last 25 Zoom meetings you have attended?
So in my opinion the real questions you should be asking yourself is.

Sometimes what you really want and what you should be doing or may be called to do can be a conflict in your mind. But there should never be a conflict in your soul.
#1 Who is this person and why should I be listening to them?
#2 Who have they personally taught these systems and what have their results been?
#3 The most important question I had to ask myself years ago was why are people not doing that which we are teaching them to do? They are clearly surrounded by others who are progressing and moving forward following the same systems.
It always comes down to the way their mind is programmed. You cannot expect people to do that which they are not capable of doing.
Until people re-program their mind, they can sit in every seminar and zoom meeting from now till the end of time and nothing is going to change.
If they don’t believe it can happen for them, they will not take action. As Henery Ford said ….

BECAUSE ………….. People see things not as they are ……….. BUT AS THEY ARE, and that includes you and me.
I know I am strange, I accept that, and I understand exactly how that happened. Some of it is DNA but most of that is because of intentional, conscious, daily mind programming and my spiritual beliefs.
I also know that I am programmed to play the game, I love the game, I am programmed for success, I get up every day knowing I am going to win the day, and I have the developed the ability to take consistent action and work towards worthy dreams.
I don’t have to motivate myself, I don’t have to stop wasting time on stupid stuff and I no longer need to convince myself to take action. I don’t have to worry about getting my yard mowed or paying someone to change the oil in my car, my time is too value.
SO THE MAIN POINT I HOPE YOU WILL GET FROM YOUR HEAD TO YOU HEART AND REALLY THINK ABOUT IS AS HUMANS WE SEE THINGS NOT AS THEY ARE, BUT AS WE ARE.I am going to share with you some random experiences from this week that I hope drive this point home, and then attempt to bring it together at the end of this article.
I had an interesting call this week with an old friend and former team member, who has experienced create financial success in his life. He has a very high level understanding of politics and we were talking about how encouraging what happened in Virginia last week was and how proud we were of the parents there that got in the face of school board officials for the crazy curriculum that was being used, and the negative programming their children were receiving.
We laughed about how all the talking heads where talking about dog whistles and racism was the reason Virginias elected their new mayor, ignoring the fact that Virginians elected their first woman of color Winsome Sears will become Virginia lieutenant governor. Are these people really that ignorant or do they just think everyone else is?
Quality people want to support quality people and their background or race never enters their minds,at least it doesn’t mine.
So the question is when these news reports and other talking heads ignore the facts that are right in front of them, what does that say about them?
I believe it says, they see things not as they are, but as they are.
From a business perspective he said Dale for years people have looked at you as the old school guy, myself as well, but as the world gets crazier people are starting to wake up, and things are coming in your direction, because as you have always said, truth is truth, wisdom of the ages is wisdom of the ages, you can try to shortcut it, but in the end when you speculate away from wisdom of the ages principles there is always unintended consequences.
So that was an encouraging conversation for me this week and confirmation that people see things not as they are, but as they are.
The last couple of weeks Dawn and I cheered on the Atlanta Braves in the playoffs against the LA Dodgers and then the Houston Astros in the World Series.
If you have listened to this podcast anytime at all you know that baseball is my favorite sport. Growing up I thought I was going to be a major league baseball player.
I love the game of baseball and I am a fan, but I am a fanatic about the University of Kentucky basketball program.
There have been a couple of summers when Dawn and I first got married where we didn’t miss a Braves game. Literally every night we watched the Braves and would go to the stadium and watch them live when time permitted.
That was when I was in my coasting mode and before I ever started my MLM Success podcast. Honestly that was before the 4 stints were put in my heart. When I was forced to ask myself some very serious questions, about what I was suppose to be doing with the rest of my life?
As I have shared over the years, when your reality surpasses your wildest expectations and you feel like you have lived a dream, your focus was never on money or stuff, it can mess with you when you feel selfish for setting worthy goals.
So we cheered on the Braves the last couple of weeks and it was awesome to see Freddie Freeman who is a tremendous person, and team mate who has been a Brave his entire career. He was called up to the big leagues in 2010 finally get his world series ring this year. The Astros were picked to win the world series, but the Braves prevailed.

I have had many flashbacks over the past two weeks to the summer of 1990. That summer my brother and I operated our baseball card & sport memorabilia shop and how much fun we had that summer doing card shows all over Ohio & Kentucky. We went to dozens of Reds games after those card shows.
We also had the opportunity to attend the play offs and the World Series that year. Remembering how the Reds where such and underdog going against the powerful Oakland A’s and the Bash Brothers Jose Canseco and Mark McGuire.

How exciting it was to follow them so closely that summer and then watch them sweep the Oakland A’s in 4 games. That year we weren’t fans, we were fanatics. We listened to every game and we were totally plugged in which is the way I spent most of my childhood.

From the time I was six to probably 14 I could count on two hands the number of Reds games I didn’t hear live on the radio or watched on TV. If they happened to be on TV I was a plugged in fanatic.
I have said all of that to say this. My Smart Alec neighbor who is and has always been a Braves fanatic.
Asked me, “when did you decide to be a Braves fan again?” This came up we were talking about the home run Freddie hit his last time at bat in the World Series.
For a minute, I thought Dale have you become part of the heard and just jumped on the band wagon like MLM distributors scrambling to the big seminar in Vegas?, Everyone in Atlanta was doing the Tomahawk Chop for a couple of weeks. Even former President Trump who was in the stands during game 4 here in Atlanta.
Dale you have never been part of a heard. Then I had to remind myself, he doesn’t really know me, my history, or why since my heart challenges I no longer am a baseball fantatic, so let him think whatever he wants, I don’t owe him any explanation. He sees things as he is, not as they are.
Before we leave this topic. Yes former President Trump was in the stands at game 4 doing the Tomahawk chop, and mainstream media NEVER PUT HIM ON CAMERA? Think about that. If Clinton, Obama, or one of the Bushes had been there do you think that could have possibly happened?
THEY NEVER PUT HIM ON CAMERA. Who is making those decisions, and more importantly why? Does mainstream media really think they can influence the masses? I guess they do, I guess they have.
I had a busy day Saturday, it started early with some research I had to do regarding a new lead generation system we are hoping to implement within our APLGO Team. I had a couple of calls scheduled.
Then the rest of my day was going to be spent watching the IHub Global virtual kick off event that was happening in Vegas and then watching the Kentucky – TN football game Saturday night.
The IHub Global event was good for what it was.
There were a couple of tiny Red Flags but nothing I can’t ignore or work through; you know what they say it is what it is. Basically, introducing new “distributive” services I just need to learn more about.
They introduce an investment group, their name escapes me at the moment but they brought them all on stage, and they talked about how they will be funding the millions of dollars that are going to be required to get the Helium Hotspots in the market. They were a very, very impressive group of corporate people.
So like most events this was fast paced with multiple speakers talking about a variety of topics. They tried to have a sequential flow to the event, and honestly the flow was much better than 90% that I have attended.
Anyway, they announced the 3rd tweak to the compensation plan in 10 months which is never good, but sometimes necessary and for me personally, understandable.
I had shared with our group a few weeks ago that I felt like they were going to have to make some kind of change. So let me give you the details then I will give you a perfect example of people seeing things not as THEY ARE, but as they are.
Originally they had a business model where you could become a founder by investing $3,000. You could get six hotspots do a puppy dog type sales approach, set these hotspots let them make money for a friend or family member for a couple of months, and then decide if they want to invest in one for themselves and keep all the money.
I LOVED IT, I felt like this would attract a lot of business minded people. During their fist few months they enrolled 18K people. The day before I was planning on talking with Dawn and explain to her why we were ordering six hotspots from IHub Global right when a few months earlier we ordered 6 directly from Bobcat, they did away with the 6 pack program and introduced this free miner deployment system.
I believe they started to realize that this unknown Helium mining niche had huge upside potential, and was creating a tremendous amount of curiosity with people and probably getting push back on the six packs so they decided to bring on an investment group and offer free hotspots.
Honestly, I was concerned, and didn’t know how this would play out. I felt like the 3K six pack program would attract business minded people the free deployment, FREEBIE Seekers, so I set back waited and watched, then a couple of months later I was in bed with covid for two weeks and watched them grow over the next few months from 18K affiliates to over 800,000 around the world and become the fastest growing affiliate program in history.
Sept. 1st I jumped in, as I have talked about it in this podcast, but make no mistake, my primary focus is APLGO, but I saw this as a short term project that could pay long term, significant residual income and I didn’t want to miss the wave. So we put together what I call the perfect promotion system.
I have enrolled 175 people most of which I don’t know and have never met and more importantly I am seeing team member have a level of success with this copy and paste perfect promotion system like I have never seen before. Literally it is indescribable and unbelievable what has happened, we have grown to well over 1500 team members in a couple of months and the vast majority have of these people have never been in mlm or direct sales. When you stop and think about that when was the last time you saw that happen, like never, right?
So here is the challenge the company has experienced. Of the first 18K affiliates that ordered got in early with the six-pack program, 2k have never plugged in their box.
The investor group said look, we can’t send free $500 boxes to people that are not going to take the time to plug them in. I get that, I don’t blame them, I would say the same thing if I was putting millions of dollars into this type of project.
So yesterday, they introduced some kind of new program where you can lease a box, I don’t know the exact numbers, because in my mind it really doesn’t matter, what it is. But something like $99 down then $19 a month to lease the box. Or you can buy the box with a $500 deposit.
The bottom line here, is there are a lot of unanswered questions and the way it was presented and explained was not good. They really dropped the ball.
Honestly for me, personally, I didn’t think anything about it, it is what it is. I was prepared to invest 3K so if the average box is creating about $700 in Helium a month and the price has gone from $14 to over $33 since I have been following it with projections as high as $600 a coin, it just doesn’t concern me.
I know the owners and investors understand for them to be profitable the field must be. So again, I see things as I am, not as they are.
Then I got a phone call from one of our IHub Team members and asked me if I was seeing any of the comments in the chat. Honestly, I saw the chat was active but I never read chat comments, and the computer I was watching it on was several feet away so I couldn’t read them if I wanted to. The event was going on, on that computer while I was working on my laptop.
He said people are freaking out and coming unglued.
Yelling Bait and Switch
I knew this was too good to be true
I need the $500 to buy gas and groceries not give it to them for a hotspot.
My upline bailed on this program 2 weeks ago and now I know why,
and on and on and on and on.
So much so that I had to do a quick zoom with our team during the half time of the Kentucky Tennessee game & then a FB live after the games was over basically saying cool your jets we will get the details this week.
Look, you either trust the people you are doing business with or you don’t. You either believe they understand that for them to be successful the field must be or they don’t. In general, I am the most skeptical person I know. I turn over every rock and look behind the curtain.
Honestly, myself, or nobody at this point has enough information to make any kind of assumptions or decisions at this point.
The truth is, if I put a $500 deposit on a box and I can get back the deposit and I make $700 the first month it is plugged in or honestly from my perspective recoup my investment within a YEAR ……………..SEND ME EVERY BOX YOU CAN.
So it goes without saying that if the numbers work with a $500 deposit then they will work with a $99 down and $19 a month lease of whatever it is.
But again, I see things from my perspective, and as I am.
Honestly, this was the most important announcement at the event as it was not handled well at all. Far too many questions remain. They did say everything would be answered with a couple of webinars that were going to happen this week, but they should have done a better job.
Whatever it is, it is, when the questions are answered then I can figure out what is the best way to move forward. In my mind this is just business, it doesn’t phase me, I have walked away and left 10K a month, even 25K a month on the table a few times over the past 40 years.
I hope I never feel the need to do that again, but if I do I will. MONEY IS SUCH A NON-MOTIVATOR FOR ME, and every time I say that I know 90% of people have know idea how that could be true.
The truth is when people are squeezed or feel pressure, who they really are and how they really feel about themselves and others is always revealed.
Unfortunately, or fortunately on some level that is what has been happening around the world the last couple of years with covid and all the political grasp for power that is happening all over the world. People are feeling squeezed, so it doesn’t take much to flip their trigger.
A few weeks ago on this podcast I was riding high with my 6-0 Kentucky Wildcats who were getting ready to play 6-0 Georgia. I knew there was a small chance to win and if we played 10 times Georgia would win 9. But the small hope still existed. Kentucky got beat 30-13 but there was one play a forward pass that was called a fumble the swung the momentum of the entire game.
Would Kentucky have won if the correct call had been made, probably not, but you never know, and that is the way the ball bounces in sports.
However many positive University of Kentucky fans said you know what, we could still end the season 11 -1 if we win our last 5 games, and we have a real chance to do that.
We then proceeded to go to Mississippi State and play the worst game of the year and state had their best and kicked out rear in every aspect of the game beating us badly 31-17 So now we are 6-2
On the call in show after the show fans were very disappointed and understandably so, if was a very disappointing loss. Never the less many of us remember what it was like being a Kentucky football fan before Mark Stoops got here.
We remember when our best hopes for the football season was to be at 6 wins by the end of the year so we may be invited to a bowl game. So being bowl eligible after the first six games of the year is something most UK football fans have never experienced, so all is good.
So last night with people freaking out about IHub and I am trying to watch the Kentucky – Tennessee football game and found myself asking myself, tell me again Dale why you decided to come out of coast mode?
In Kentucky there is real hatred, and I know that is a strong word but we aren’t talking about people we are talking about sports teams for Louisville, DUKE, and Tennessee. Tennessee is a boarder state and the rivalry is real, very real.
So last night the game was back and forth all night. It was 24 – 21 at halftime. For the game Kentucky had a season high over 600 yards of offense. In the final minutes of the last quarter Kentucky was driving down thefield and a touch down would put them ahead and probably seal the win.
Our quarterback was tackled to the ground when a defender grabbed his face mask. This was not questionable at all it was clear on the replay as possible.
The defensive player grabbed his facemask which is an automatic 15-yard penalty. The referees didn’t call it, the KY coach, Mark Stoops went berserk on the sideline and ended up getting a flag for unsportsmen like conduct, which is a 15-yard penalty against us.
Honestly this momentum swing changed the course of the final minutes of the game and Kentucky lost to one of our most Hated rivals. 45-42.
The offense had their best game of the year. The defense had their worst game of the year. The defense has been solid all year long and Stoops and the coaching staff did all they could do.
During the interview after the game the players and coaching staff where clearly disappointed. If you asked me, they left it all out on the field, and that is all you can ask as a fan.
I am a Ky football fan, but a basketball fanatic. My immediate thought was this probably keeps some bigger name football schools from coming in and hiring Stoops away from us this year. If they had gone 10 -1 I felt there was a real possibility that could have happened.
Then after the Tenesse game the call in show was beyond embarrassing. The comments were ridiculous!
Same old Kentucky football team
Stoops needs to go he is not going to get it done here.
Why didn’t they punt at the end of the first half instead of going for it (Yeah if they had you and those like you would have been saying why didn’t they go for at the end of the first half instead of punting it away)
This loss is going to kill our recruiting and on and on.
The truth is when we are squeezed, feel pressure, or massive disappointment, who we really are and how we really feel about ourselves and others is always revealed.
If there is anything I have learned from sports, that would be it. And since we are in the people business, we need to be aware of this because this will happen along your journey, there are going to be challenges.
All any of us can do is make the best decisions we can with the information we have and move forward. Pivot when we need to pivot, and ground ourselves in wisdom of the age’s principles.
We can’t be surprised when people have burst of negative emotions.
We can’t be surprised when liar’s lie or gurus tell us what we want to hear so they can sell us what they want to sell us.
People must act in accordance to their own programming. Talking heads will call people who live in Virginia racist even after they elect the first woman of color as lieutenant governor.
It makes no sense, and it is not going to.
All we can do, as I have said many times, is take care of the person, starring us back in the mirror. Refuse to see ourselves as a victim and understand you can move forward and progress no matter what obstacles are placed in front of you. “This too shall pass/
YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP. IF YOU LOOK THERE ARE ALWAYS SIGNS OF HOPE. One of my grandmothers’ favorite quotes was “This too shall pass” and I have been fortunate to be able to pass that on to many people over the years at a time when I felt like they really needed to be reminded of that.
No matter how crazy or whacked out the world gets there will always be opportunity for entrepreneurial spirited people who believe in themselves
and their ability to become self-educated and take action.
Lets talk Baseball. You may or may not know that the baseball All Star game was scheduled to be played in Atlanta this year. However for political reasons the spineless Major league decided to move it to Denver.
Vince Scully

You probably are aware there has been a lot of political and racial unrest hear in Atlanta since the election. The stuffing the ballet boxes inside the prescient caught on video but ignored.
Of course the statues last summer came down in Atlanta as well, also some drunk fell asleep in a Wendy parking lot, he was arrested and ran, the police offiers thretned to taze him, Then he got in a struggle taking the tazer from one officer and tazing him, and the other officer shot him. Then the BLF group screams foul and comes back and burns down the Wendy’s restaurant, so no, you can’t make this stuff up.

So Georgia and many other states are making changes that will hopefully eliminate voter fraud including making sure you have ID if you plan on voting, which for some reason mainstream media has convinced those that can’t think for themselves requiring ID is being racist.
The one thing I have always reminded myself before leaving to vote double check that I have my id. So anyway, someone named Nancy Anger who I assume lives here in Georgia wrote this and I thought it was awesome.

In closing, just one last reminder, we see things not as they are, but as we are. It is our responsibility to let the facts make or decisions, not our emotions, and to program our minds & count our blessings every day and live in a state of thankfulness with ambition, as Jim Rohn shared year ago.