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Some Simple Ways To Live A Better Life

By |April 21st, 2023|Success Mindsets, Uncategorized|

From Joe PolishJoe is beating me with a 2 X 4 in this article. My sleep patterns are way off! This is very practical advice that is worth seriously considering. If you want to dramatically enhance your Entrepreneurial effectiveness, improve your ability to run a better business and a better life...…ramp up your physical fitness [...]

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3 Important Wisdom of the Ages Success Principles that Most Entrepreneurs Ignore

By |March 1st, 2023|Success Mindsets, Uncategorized|

Growing up in a tiny little town in Kentucky, Stamping Ground, population 400 you see the world through different eyes. Thankfully I had two very supportive parents that did their bestto handle my abnormal energy and curiosity.  They supported me in all my adventures. I was not a normal kid.  I loved to learn and [...]

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Can you reasonably expect to start a profitable side-gig Business?

By |February 17th, 2023|Uncategorized|

It's easy to claim that we want a dream side-gig business, but there's often a vast difference between what we say and what we do. You can spend hours reading books about starting a business, and hours of podcast, but.........KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT ACTION LEADS TO SELF-DELUSIONHere's a quick test to highlight this: In the last 6 [...]

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Is Emotional Intelligence on the Decline?

By |February 15th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Daniel Golman I found this thought provoking insights from Mr. Goldman and wanted to share it with the readers of this blog. There is no question that the population is being distracted and manipulated some of us feel like we know why, but that is a topic for another time. I just hope you get [...]

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Your attention span isn’t dead — yet, but will be soon. These tips can help restore your ability to focus.

By |February 14th, 2023|Uncategorized|

On my podcast a couple of years ago I stated that the ability to FOCUS on that which will move your life and business forward will be the most important entreprenurial trait moving forward in the futue. An expert who's studied the art and science of focusing shares her go-to strategies. Original Article byBy Rebecca Ruiz [...]

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IT IS TIME TO GET PERSONALLY EDUGATED ON A.1. (Artificial Intelligence) 

By |February 11th, 2023|Uncategorized|

At the time of this writing, it is February 11th 2023.  I am convinced that the general population and even small business owners and entrepreneurs have no concept of how the world is going to look in just two years, much less five years from now.About a year and a half ago on my podcast [...]

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Five Business Trends for November 2023

By |February 6th, 2023|Uncategorized|

1) Peacock, owned by NBCU, has announced that it will no longer offer its free tier for new subscribers, a surprising move. The change in strategy may be due to Peacock not being NBCU's main focus and instead, the company is focusing on Xumo, which has recently been revived as the foundation of a smart TV [...]

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Why all great leaders are introverts

By |January 30th, 2023|Uncategorized|

From the HustleThey thrive through inner thinking. Speak softly in daily life and carry big sticks. And tend to be super good listeners. But they still get a pretty bad rep, at least in corporate America. Until they decide to turn their life story into a LinkedIn post. Then it gets worse. Jokes aside, just look [...]

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Alignable Road to Recovery Report Q4 2022/Q1 2023

By |January 23rd, 2023|Uncategorized|

From Alignable A Hint of Optimism Returns for 2023    COVID Impact’s at an All-Time Low82% Have Fully ReopenedCustomers & Revenue Continue to BuildInflation Impact Seems to be Stabilizing A BitBut Full Recovery’s Still a Year Away Table of Contents: 2023 OutlookReopening StatusCustomers & RevenueOperating & Employee CostsAlignable Research Center & Poll Demographics Overview This [...]

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Public Speaking/Professional Speakers Movies (Top 10)

By |January 22nd, 2023|Uncategorized|

Originally from Speakers Lab Presenting in public can be a daunting experience for many. Whether it’s a class presentation, or a keynote speech or even a wedding toast, the mere thought of having to address an audience can be nerve-wracking. Presentation skills are often best practiced in front of others, but what if you are [...]

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